Friday, June 7, 2013

Procedure For Management Review in Garments


To ensure that all relevant information regarding the operation of the quality management system is conveyed to executive management, so that appropriate decisions can be made concerning the effectiveness and suitability of the system.


This procedure applies to the review conducted by the top management of Muazuddin Textile to check effectiveness of the quality system.

The Management Representative is responsible for directing the organizational aspects of this procedure. Other responsibilities are as indicated.


4.1 Management review meetings are held quarterly till certification after that twice a year.

4.2 The following personnel participate in the meeting:

• Managing Director

• Factory Manager

• Management Representative

• Production Manager

• QC Manager

• Any other people requested by committee members

4.3 Meetings are chaired by the Managing Director or Factory Manager.

4.4 The meeting agenda includes:

• Business arising from the last meeting

• Review of Quality Policy & Quality objectives

• Customer feedback & Customer Complaint

• Process performance & product conformity

• Corrective & preventive action requests

• Results of internal audits

• Resource requirements

• Any other matter relating to the quality management system

4.5 The meeting agenda is distributed to all participants, at least two days prior to the meeting date, via Notification of Management Review (MR/3/05).

4.6 Minutes of the meeting are recorded and distributed to participants within five days of the meeting – Management Review Minutes (MR/3/06).

4.7 The progress of actions arising from the review is monitored to ensure effective implementation.

5.0 Related Documents

Notification Management Review MR/3/05

Management Review MR/3/06

Internal Quality Audit of Garments


To ensure that each department works according to the Quality Management System.


This procedure applies to all internal audit activities within the departments participating in the quality system.

The MR of Muazzuddin Texttile Limited is responsible for the preparation of audit schedules and selecting independent auditors for all departments. The Auditor is responsible for audit and follow up procedures.

4.1.1 All departments will be audited at least once in a year. Audits of any or all departments may be carried out more frequently on the advice of Chief Executive /Management Representative or as a result of previous audits.

4.1.2 MR of the organization with his coordinator prepares the Internal Quality Audit Schedule on yearly basis which contains the audit dates and name of the auditors. The schedule is presented to all department Heads.

4.1.3 In case of any change Internal Quality Audit Schedule MR/3/09 may be revised and reissued.
4.1 Audit

4.2.1 Auditor/audit team perform audit, conducts opening meeting with auditee/ departmental head and note down audit results.

4.2.2 Detail of persons interviewed, documents checked and other audit activities are recorded on Audit Activity Log, MR/3/10.

4.2.3 Any nonconformity found during the audit is reported on Nonconformity Report, MR/3/11. Department heads will decide on corrective action and target dated.

4.2.4 For each audit, an Audit Summary Report, MR/3/12 is prepared.

4.2.5 The non conformities are discussed with the auditee in a closing session after conducting the audit and copy of the non-conformity reports are also presented to the auditee on the same day. The auditor prompts the auditee for review of the non conformities raised and agrees on the corrective action and target date suggested by the auditee.

4.2.6 In case of disagreement over a non conformity between Auditors and Auditee, the issue is finally resolved by the Management Representative.

4.2.7 Copy of Audit Summary Report may be provided to the Auditee while original is retained by MR.

4.2.8 In case of second party audit the same procedure is adapted and same reports are used.

4.3 Follow up:

4.3.1 Follow up audit is conducted either by the auditor who conducted the first audit or by other independent auditor assigned by MR, thereby closing NC forms by target dates as stated in.

4.3.2 If in the follow up audit it is observed that action taken on any nonconformity is not effective or not taken then a Corrective & Preventative Action Form, MR/3/07 is raised.

4.3.3 For statistical purposes as an aid to improvement, the Audit Statistics Report, MR/3/13 is completed for each audit.

4.4 Second Party Audit

4.4.1 The second party audits are done by the consultant or any approved source, which is independent of the activities of the organization. The records are maintained as per this procedure.

4.4.2 The Management Representative is responsible for the follow up.

5.0 Related Documents

Internal Quality Audit Schedule (MR/3/09)

Audit Activity Log (MR/3/10)

Non Conformity Report (MR/3/11)

Audit Summary Report (MR/3/12)

Audit Statistics Report (MR/3/13)

CPA Request Form (MR/3/07)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Corrective and Preventive Actions for garments

1.0            Objective
           This procedure outlines the requirements of taking appropriate Corrective and Preventive Actions against non-conformance or the potential non conformance in order to avoid or prevent the reoccurrence of non-conformity.

2.0              Scope
This procedure is applicable to all functions in the company who can suggest and implement corrective and preventive actions for continual improvement in the quality management system.

3.0              Responsibilities
        The Management Representative has responsibility for directing the activities of this procedure.
        All company personnel are encouraged to identify and bring into the notice of their supervisor an area for improvement in the quality management system.
        The section in-charge or departmental head can initiate the corrective and preventive action by filling in the Corrective / Preventive Action Request (CPAR) describing the unsatisfactory condition or the improvement suggestion.

4.0              Procedure

4.1              Improvement

All company personnel are encouraged to identify opportunities for improvement in the quality management system related to his work function. The improvements may be identified in the following manner:

a)      Progressive up-grading the quality objectives on routine basis
b)      Performance improvements
c)      Initiating corrective actions on recurrent problems
d)      Initiating preventive actions on potential non-conformities
e)      Giving suggestions for improvement
f)       Quality Circles

4.2              Initiating Corrective Actions

Corrective actions are taken to eliminate the causes of non-conformities to prevent their recurrence. Corrective Actions may be initiated in the following cases:
:  Identification of major product non-conformity or recurrent problems
:  Any non-compliance identified during follow up internal  quality audit
:  Customer feedback including customer complaints
:  Non-conforming deliveries from suppliers

4.3              Requesting and Processing CAR’s

Corrective actions can be initiated by any person in the company by reporting it to his section in-charge or departmental head. The concerned section in-charge or departmental head fills in the Corrective / Preventive Action Request (CPAR). The request contains a description of the unsatisfactory condition that needs to be corrected and are addressed to the manager who is responsible for the area where condition occurred.
The CPAR is sent to MR, who reviews the corrective action with concerned departmental head. After approval by departmental head, the responsible person and target date for implementing the corrective actions are assigned then the corrective action listed into Corrective Action Log.

The responsible person investigates the causes of the problem that initiated the request. The investigation process includes:

:  Interviewing the concerned persons and gathering their views about the possible causes of non-conformities.
:  Observing and examining the concerned processes and related records.
:  Examining the supplier and his supplies, where required.
:  If appropriate, make use of statistical techniques (cause and effect diagram) to determine root causes.

He then proposes a corrective action to be taken and indicates the date by which the corrective action will be fully implemented.

4.4              Implementation of Corrective Action

When a corrective and preventive action is decided upon, it is implemented on trial basis and the results are closely monitored. Further measures or changes in the measures may have to be made during the trial period until satisfactory results are attained. The magnitude of corrective action depends on the nature of non-conformity and its effect on the quality of product.

4.5              Verification of Corrective Action

On, or immediately after, the due date of implementation of a corrective action, concern person follows up to determine if the corrective action has been implemented and if it is effective. When there is objective evidence that the corrective action is effective, the CAR can be closed out. If more work is needed to fully implement the action, a new follow up date is agreed upon.

When the corrective and preventive measures are found to be effective, they are incorporated in the quality system by making suitable changes in the relevant documents such as drawings, specifications, operating procedures, work instructions and quality system procedures.

4.6              Preventive Actions

Preventive actions are taken to eliminate any potential causes of non-conformity. The objective is to provide a mean for detecting any deterioration in processes, work standards and systems and thus to prevent the occurrence of a non-conformity.

The need for preventive action is brought out by analysis of the following information:

:  Data on product and process trends
:  Customer feedback
:  Inspection and test records
:  Performance reviews of suppliers

A preventive action can also be initiated by any person by reporting it to his/her (Employee) section in-charge or departmental head who fills in the CPAR and sends it to MR. The procedure for processing, implementation and follow-up of preventive actions is the same as described in subsections 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 above.

4.7      Management Review meetings
Status of corrective and preventive actions is presented in management review meetings as input. MR compiles the status of corrective and preventive actions and submits it in the management review.

5.0              Records Related to Improvement Procedure

Corrective / Preventive Action Request                     (MR/3/07)
Corrective & Preventive Action Log               (MR/3/08)

Procedure for Administration in garments industry

1.                   Purpose & Scope:
To develop an effective system this identifies and evaluates the health and the working environment of the company. Production unit comes with in the scope of this work Instruction.
2.                   Responsibilities:
The Administration Manager & MR is responsible for directing the activities relating to this work instruction.

3.                   Procedure:

3.1                Medical History:

                                                            When ever any employee will be hired for Muazuddin Textile Limited the doctor will check the
Worker and will prepare the Medical History Card of the worker.

3.1.2     Doctor will examine the worker weather he / she has any history of such a disease, which is transferable like hepatitis T.B etc, or not if any of the person carries such a diseases Doctor will inform the Admin dept.

3.1.3     No such person will be employed in Muazuddin Textile Limited who carries such a disease, which is transferable.

3.1.4     Every three months doctor will examine all employees and will keep the history of the worker in the Medical History Card (ADM/3/01).

3.1.5     Medical History Card will be kept in every employees file.

3.1.6     If the Medical History Card is not properly maintained Admin Manager should raise a CPA to inform & take necessary initiative by the higher management.

3.2                Working Environment:

3.2.1                                               On monthly bases Admin Dept. or MR will check the working condition and the environment of
The factory.

3.2.2     During the visit Admin Manager will prepare the working Environment Check list (ADM/3/02).

3.2.3     Admin Manager can raise CPA if he founds working environment unsatisfactory.

4.                   Related Documents:

Medical History Card                                                     ADM/3/01

Working Environment Check List                                  ADM/3/02


Procedure For Human Resources (HR) & Training for Garments industry

To identify, provide and track employee-training requirement, for all employees in the organization.

This procedure is applicable for all the employees of the organization

The administrative manager is responsible to follow this procedure & MR monitors the update status of the activities.
4.1Hiring of Personnel
The job requirements and specifications for a position (e.g., minimum qualification, experience and other requirements related to the job position) are defined in the concerned Job Description.

The requirement for any hiring is identified by Factory Manager / concerned departmental head. The request for new hiring is communicated to Factory Manager through Personnel Requisition form.

Factory Manager reviews and assesses the legitimacy and validity of the new hiring and makes recommendations for the new hiring. The requisition is then forwarded to Managing Director for approval of new hiring.

After approval, the position is advertised in the notice board or local newspapers. In addition, personnel having any reference may be directly contacted. The candidates are asked to submit their CVs/bio-data.

The bio-data are scrutinized and short-listed by Administration Department basis on the requirements of the job position. Short-listed candidates are issued call for interview.

A panel of interviewer is formed to interview and assess the candidates. The interview panel consists of following members:

n Managing Director / Executive Director / Director
n Factory Manager
n Admin Manager
n Concerned Departmental Head

The candidate is initially hired on temporary basis for a 3 (three) month’s probationary period after which his/her performance is reviewed and assessed by his departmental head. In case of satisfactory performance, he is hired on permanent basis. This rule may not be applicable for hiring operators / helpers /workers.
Administration Department maintains the personal files (including operators and inspectors) of personnel which includes their bio-data, credentials and training records.

4.2 Training and Skill Development
4.2.1 Orientation to New Employees
· Orientation of new employees includes:
· Orientation on administrative policies (e.g., working hours, leaves, medical, disciplinary policies)
· Understanding of Quality Policy
· Understanding of job responsibilities and authorities
· On-job training

After the joining of the new employee, Administrative Manager/ Concern Departmental Head initiate the orientation of employee by filling in the Training Record. The employee is first given orientation on administrative policies and quality policy by MR. The training is recorded on Training Record form.

4.1.1. Continual Identification of Training Needs
Training needs of employees are continually identified by their departmental heads/in-charges as a result of following developments:
n Changes in services or operations;
n New or revised procedures, or changes in the quality policy;
n Inadequate performance of individuals or groups of personnel.
n Results of internal quality audits;
n Corrective/Preventive Actions

Based on these identified training needs, Admin Manager Plans and arranges internal training sessions of employees. Training records of concerned persons are updated.

4.1.2.External Training
Admin Manager contacts various external training courses, if they feel that this training will be helpful for the employee.

After completion of course, the concerned person submits a copy of course certificate to Administration department. These certificates are filed in the personal record and the training records of concerned employees are updated.

4.2. Performance Evaluation
At the end of each year, employee initiates the performance evaluation of company’s personnel. Accordingly, Performance Evaluation forms of personnel are sent to the concerned departmental heads.

Performance results for the previous year are assessed based on the following criteria:
n Company’s objectives
n Achievement of specific tasks
n Completion of assignments
n Management’s expectations

In addition, the improvement areas and the corresponding training requirements for next year are also identified. The evaluation forms duly filled are sent back to Admin department.

Employee compiles the training requirements identified in the evaluation forms and prepares a tentative annual Training Plan. The training plan is thoroughly reviewed by concerned departmental heads and approved by MR.

5.0 Related Documents:

 Training Need Assessment MR/2/14
 Employee Training Record MR/2/15
 Performance Evaluation form MR/2/16

Friday, May 31, 2013

Work Instructions for Trial Samples of garments

Sample is very important part of garments manufacturing technology. All of the instruction and requirement are practically get from a garments sample. Most of the sample is made very carefully with a multi skill operator. It must be approved by buyer.

1.0 Purpose & scope:
2 Pieces of the trial samples of every style are made to get the technical know how of the constructions of the style and to show the same to the middle management in the sewing section.
To identify critical & new operations for further training.

2.0 Responsibilities:
It is the Sewing In Charge responsibility to maintain all the trial samples & to provide the necessary training to the Line QC, supervisors, and workers.

3.0 Procedure
3.1 Before the pre-production meeting starts the Sewing In Charge gets the fabric cut panels from the cutting department.
3.2 Sewing In Charge will assign 2 trial samples to the respective Line QCs for sewing as per customer-approved sample. The Manager – Quality Control will verify the samples (for construction only) against the customer-approved samples.
3.3 If training required for vital operations associated with the style, to commence training immediately.
4.0 Related Resources
1. Customer approved sample.
2. Cut panels